Center for Generosity

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Sample Governing Board Job Description

The Governing Board is a single body that only has authority as a whole. No individual member, regardless of position or title, has individual authority outside of the Governing Board meetings. After decisions are made, the Governing Board speaks as one body, not as individuals.

The Governing Board serves as fiduciary for the mission of the congregation. As a result, members of the Governing Board have the following duties:

Duty of Care: Board members are duty-bound to commit adequate time, energy, and attention to enable them to know the mission, understand the congregation’s affairs, and act responsibly.

Duty of Loyalty: For each board member, one consideration must be paramount – the congregation’s mission. All decisions must be based on what is best for the congregation and personal interests and biases must be put aside.

Duty of Obedience: Each member is required to comply with the congregation’s foundational documents – Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, bylaws – the revealed Word of God, the Lutheran Confessions, polices of The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in America, and applicable laws. Most importantly, board members must be obedient to the congregation’s mission, being alert to times when the action of the board may be unpopular and striving to convey clearly how the mission is guiding the board’s action. 

Regular duties of the board and its members include:

o   Conducting all congregational meetings, including the annual meeting of the congregation, to ensure engagement, communication, and transparency with the congregation.

o   Facilitating a process of visioning and strategic planning.

o   Implementing the congregation’s strategic plan and monitoring its progress.

o   Conducting an annual ministry evaluation of the congregation’s success or difficulties in achieving the prior year’s vision for ministry.

o   Conducting an annual mutual performance evaluation of the senior pastor’s and the board’s effectiveness in their respective roles.

o   Conducting a triennial evaluation of the senior pastor’s performance in his/her pastoral role beyond the congregation.

o   Recommending the annual ministry plan, presented by the Finance Committee, to the congregation for its approval.

o   Approving the membership of standing committees: the Finance Committee, the Policy and Leadership Development Committee, and the Stewardship Development Committee.

o   Appointing a Call Committee when needed to conduct the search process for vacant pastoral positions.

o   Appointing ad hoc task forces as needed per board policy.

o   Attending worship regularly.

o   Giving generously of his/her resources in support of the congregation’s ministry and mission.