Videos Jennie Smith Videos Jennie Smith

Systems and Technology to Strengthen Donor Relationships

Small details can make a huge difference. At this Roundtable, we'll talk about small adjustments to your fundraising efforts that can have a big impact. You'll leave with tips for technology tools and practical systems that help you work smarter while sustaining personalized donor connection. Join the conversation with your own favorite tip or technology tool that you've applied in your own fundraising strategy.

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Videos Pete Reuss Videos Pete Reuss

Ending the Year well

Nearly one third of all giving to non-profit organizations occurs in the month of December. This provides a unique opportunity to invite end of the year gifts. We will discuss what motivates these gifts (hint: it’s not your budget).

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Videos Jennie Smith Videos Jennie Smith

Building new relationships with strategic partners

"We don't offer that here." Expanding services doesn't always mean adding more to your own organization's programs. Sometimes it's as easy as finding another organization who already has the knowledge, training, experience, facility, etc. to partner with you. In this way, both organizations can thrive. Many nonprofit organizations are seeing a growing need for partnerships to meet the needs of their service population. Building relationships with strategic partners can provide access to new services, new funding opportunities and, ultimately, provide better support from your organization. During this Roundtable, we'll look at ways to identify new partners in your work and discuss ways to cultivate those relationships.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Controlling the Narrative of Your Organization

Organizations are what we present them to be. How we talk about our organization through intentional marketing and through unintentional day-to-day conversation (by staff and clients) will create the true perception of the organization. If we aren't telling the story, we are at the mercy of those who are...and if we aren't telling the story, and no one else is, it is as if we don't exist or matter. Controlling the narrative of your organization must be intentional, planned, and everyone on staff must see themselves as a development office regardless of their job title. During this workshop, we will talk about how to train all staff and develop key narrative points.

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Videos Paul Walters Videos Paul Walters

Re-engaging out of Covid

Every congregation has been impacted by the COVID shut downs. As the new normal returns, and the church begins to gather in person, discover steps to take to re-engage people and inspire them to get off the couch, change out of pajamas, and gather in person.

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Videos Anne Rieck McFarland Videos Anne Rieck McFarland

Making the Most of a Crisis

It would seem counter-intuitive to view a crisis as a blessing. Yet we hear of many examples where people take a tragedy and use it as a platform for good going forward. Organizations have the same opportunity when they have experienced a crisis. How do they make the future better because of this experience? How can they leverage what they learned for their good and for the over-all good of many? During this roundtable we will discuss not only how to manage through a crisis but also how to leverage it for better outcomes going forward.

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Videos Jennie Smith Videos Jennie Smith

Building Momentum After Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday may serve as a primary giving day for some nonprofits. In order to capitalize on that momentum, you need a strong annual fund plan to keep that generosity going and build relationships with donors.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Fundraising Events

There’s a strong likelihood that your organization has some kind of fundraising event. From From auctions to golf outings, 5K races and fancy dinners, what’s the point of these events that soak up lots of time and energies while yielding modest financial return? Participation in events has shifted during the Covid era. Are fundraising events still worth doing? During this roundtable, we’ll talk about how to leverage events to strengthen your fundraising program and when to call it quits on a fundraising event.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Building an Honor and Memorial Program

An honor/memorial program is a great way to acquire new donors and build the foundation to be remembered in the long-term planning of your closest donors. These gifts can become very fruitful and can be counted on over the long-term.

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Videos Paul Walters Videos Paul Walters

We are out of money! What do we do?

When giving is down, even if it is part of an annual cycle like summer vacations, anxiety rises. The temptations is to write a letter announcing the deep crisis, and the need for an influx of cash NOW. Learn why this approach is ultimately self-defeating, and what to do instead.

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Videos Evan Moilan Videos Evan Moilan

Effective Board Meetings

Effective meetings build energy and engagement in organizations by ensuring leaders gifts are used in impactful ways. In this session we will explore practical steps you can implement today to ensure fiduciary responsibilities are met, while increasing engagement and impact.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Planned Giving Communications

Whether you call them planned gifts, legacy gifts, or estate gifts, they don't just fall out of the sky. They take a great deal of thought, intentionality, and follow-through to ensure not only that they are done, but that they are done correctly. Did you know that 70% of estate plans fail to pay out the way the donor intended? So, if you aren't communicating with your donors about leaving gifts and leaving them correctly, you may not want, or be able to actually receive those that fall out of the sky. In addition, most donors simply think about leaving a church or charity "in their Will." During this roundtable, we will learn how your communication is critical to sparking their creativity and maximizing gift ideas and options.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Identifying Legacy Donors

Donors fall into three categories: Annual Fund, Capital Gifts, and Legacy. The biggest bang for their buck comes in one of these categories. Legacy or Planned Giving donors are a special kind of person. They can see into the future and they have truly caught your vision, but knowing who they are and "where" to find them can be difficult. It is critical to add components to your program that help you identify them, while also allowing them to self-identify. During this roundtable, we will discuss these components.

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Videos Jennie Smith Videos Jennie Smith

Upgrading Donors

Every organization’s fundraising donor base has a threshold of giving. Commons threshold are $100 and $1,000, but those certainly aren’t the only ones. Whether you set a level yourself as part of a first-time donor marketing strategy or because donors naturally gravitate toward a certain level, there’s no doubt thresholds exist (and, once you start looking, there is likely more than one threshold level in your donor base). During this roundtable, we’ll talk through reasons why donors find thresholds so comfortable and outline ways to encourage givers to reach beyond those levels to grow their giving. From messaging strategies to timely appeals, upgrading donors to new giving levels deepens their engagement, strengthens their retention, and increases your organization’s financial support. This session is the third in a four-week series on Annual Funds.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Identifying and Recruiting Board Members

Healthy and effective organizations start at the board level. Taking the next warm body on the board that says, “I guess I will do it,” will only serve to weaken the organization. Implementing a system for identifying and recruiting strong, passionate, knowledgeable, and generous board members must be a priority for any organization wanting to raise more money and advance their mission. During this roundtable you will receive the steps and an annual calendar for getting this work going well.

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Videos Center For Generosity Videos Center For Generosity

How donors can use business assets to fund gifts

Since 2007, small businesses have enjoyed a tax benefit which was passed by congress to stimulate the economy. Purchased equipment and vehicles have mostly been depreciated for tax purposes. What happens when these assets are sold or the business is transitioned to new ownership? The short answer is, they are taxed. Many of these small businesses are owned by some of your donors. At this roundtable, we will discuss ways donors can use the benefits of making gifts to your organization with these assets, in a very tax-wise way.

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Videos Mitzie Schafer Videos Mitzie Schafer

Planned Giving Essential Documents

What would you do if someone gave your organization a submarine? If your first response to this question isn't, "Our Gift Policy Says..." then this roundtable will be essential for you. While the focus of this document is on Planned Giving, it also has huge implications for your annual fund and capital campaign giving. In addition, if someone wants to continue their annual gift into perpetuity after they die, do you have a vehicle for making that possible? Endowments often get a bad rap, but that is because they aren't managed using best practices. In this roundtable, we will also highlight why you need Endowment By-Laws and what should be included.

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Videos Jennie Smith Videos Jennie Smith

Segmenting Donor Appeals

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to donor engagement. Some donors are long-time partners; some are new. We all have donors with vast knowledge and experience about the organization’s work and supporters who only recently joined on. Donors are young, old, and in every season of life. Yet, often we treat them all the same – as though the reason they support us is also one-note. In this roundtable, we’ll talk about improving donor engagement through segmentation. We’ll include some of the most common segmenting strategies as well as how to determine your own segmentation for one-time projects or unique circumstances. This session is the second in a four-week series on Annual Funds.

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